C-Section Recovery
1 in every 3 women now delivers their babies via Cesarean Section. In Australia that is approximately 120,000 C-Section procedures performed every year and this number is echoed throughout the world.
All childbearing women should be mindful of these statistics and prepare themselves as they would a vaginal birth.
C-Section Deliveries Are Increasing.
Medical intervention is normally only required when there is concern for the health and safety of either mother or baby. The decision can be decided during pregnancy, which is referred to as an Elective Section or at the time of labour an Emergency Section
You may hear conflicting information such as its more convenient and easier for a OB/GYNs to perform a C-Section Delivery as they can fit it in between 9-5pm. However these are not realistic facts as assisted caesarean delivery takes much more patient care and medical staff to accomplish than a natural birth.
Contributing factors as to why C-Section Rates are increasing:
Medical conditions or complications with baby or mother before or during labour.
- The increase in the average age of childbearing women.
- The increase in multiple births due to fertility treatments.
- Once you have a baby born via cesarean section it is often recommend that any subsequent pregnancies be also born via C-section section. (This is now changing with more VBACs)
- Although its a relatively small percentage, some women do prefer to have a ceasarean delivery over a natural birth.
- While there is a growing shift to reduce the number of Ceasarean sections performed. We do know they will continue to play a role in saving the lives of women and their babies in emergency situations or when medical reasons make them the safer option.
Prepare For C-Section Delivery
A high volume of the 32% of women whose babies are delivered via Cesarean Section are not physically or mentally aware of What happens during the procedure, What Options are available to them or What to expect in recovery.
Not being prepared makes it difficult for both mother and birth partner to think clearly and make informed choices once in labour as everything will seemed rushed and unexpected and it can leave some women feeling out of control, disappointed and difficult to accept and recover.
If you are planning to start a family or are pregnant – do not be complacent, educated yourself, there are so many natural birthing c-section delivery options now available.
We highly encourage you to completing a Birth Plan, which allows your birth partner and healthcare team to follow your directions allowing you to have the best possible birthing experience, even if you have to choose Plan B.
Helpful Guidelines For All Expectant Mothers.
- Read up what to expect during C-Section.
- Ask your specialist about their C-Section Rates and when they feel it necessary to intervene.
- Discover the different options now available for a Natural C-Section Delivery.
- Include a C-section delivery in your birth plan – allowing your own wishes to be carried out.
- Talk with your birth partner on what you would like to happen if you are advices to have a C-Section.
- Educate yourself on the recovery and recovery products that are now available.
- Remember this is your body and your special time of bringing a baby into this world. There are many options now available o make Ceasarean Births as natural as possible.
C-Section Recovery Tips For The First Six Weeks
Telling a new mum not to do anything for 6 weeks is a little outdated, our busy lives don't allow for such luxury and so it is very important that women understand what to expect, after all a Cesarean Section is major abdominal surgery and taking action to ensure that the initial recovery period is as comfortable and pain free as possible. And we highly encourage you to be pro active taking steps to reduce future complications such as Adhesions that are associated with abdominal surgery.
- Get as much rest as you can. Ask family or friends to help, or organise paid help if you can afford it. If you feel you need extra professional support at home, talk with the doctor or midwife or maternal and child health nurse.
- Do not lift any weight that is heavier than your baby. Be careful of your back or stretching up to high such as hanging out washing.
- Take a gentle walk every day. This can have physical and emotional health benefits. Ask the physiotherapists at the hospital on which exercises are appropriate.
- Eat a healthy, high-fibre diet and drink plenty of water. Do this every day to avoid constipation.
- You should not drive a car until your wound has healed (usually about six weeks).
- Use warmth on your wound. Warmth can have a soothing effect. Try a wheat bag or hot water bottle.
- You may need to take pain relievers regularly to begin with. If you are breastfeeding, check that any medication you are using is safe for your baby too.
- Keep your wound clean and dry. Wear loose clothing and look for signs of infection (such as redness, pain, swelling of the wound or bad-smelling discharge). Report these to the doctor or midwife.
- Avoid sex until you feel comfortable. It is quite normal to for it to take weeks, even months, before you are ready to have sex.
- Numbness or itching around the scar is normal. This can last a long time for some women.
- Join a new mother’s group. Talking with other mums who have had a similar experience to you can be very helpful.
Things To Remember
A caesarean section is a surgical procedure in which a baby is born through a cut made in the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus.
A baby will need to be born by caesarean section if there are serious problems that prevent the baby being born by a normal vaginal birth.
Caesarean section is a relatively safe operation; however, possible complications include infection, damage to your internal organs, an increased risk of respiratory distress for your baby and complications with future pregnancies.
Looking after a new baby is hard for all women, but it can be harder when you are recovering from a caesarean. Be kind to yourself. It may take a few weeks or even longer to recover, particularly if you have had complications.
You should not drive a car until your wound has healed (usually about six weeks).
Wear a compression band and follow the scar care routine to reduce pain and discomfort.
One great advantage that we have today is that Medical studies have shown using a compression band provides a non-invasive intervention for enhancing patient’s recovery. Reducing pain, tearing and infection allowing a new mum to be as comfortable as possible as she adjust to life with her new baby.
We Recommend - Buying Deluxe Recovery Kit!
* Belly Bands products and information provide are to be used in conjunction with Doctors Care and does not substitute for Medical .