Silicone Scar Gel for Caesarean Wound Healing

Silicone Scar Gel for Caesarean Wound Healing - Belly Bands

silicone gel for scars australia

There is a myriad of ways to bring a baby into this world. Some women decide to give birth in a tub full of water, while others opt for the good ole' delivery room. However, when the doctor considers complications may arise, a few moms-to-be don't get to choose their preferred childbirth setting. About 34% of women in Australia need to undergo a C-section to deliver their little ones safely. ‌

It's natural for Caesarean deliveries to be a bit intimidating for all expecting moms. After all, they're surgical procedures that require preparation and recovery time. Yet, once the new mom gets to hold her bundle of joy for the first time, the whole idea of being cut open doesn't seem as bad anymore. It's just a mean to an end — and what a beautiful end indeed!‌

Caesarean Wound Types and Scarring

During a Caesarean section, the norm is for the OB-GYN to make two incisions in the mom's lower belly. The first one goes through the skin, while the second one goes through the uterus. Depending on different factors, the doctor can choose between making them both vertical or horizontal. 

Vertical incisions take longer to heal, but thankfully they're increasingly uncommon nowadays. They're reserved for scenarios where cutting horizontally isn't possible. One of the most frequent reasons for a vertical C-section is emergency delivery. 

Once the bun is out of the oven, the doctor will use dissolvable stitches to close the uterus. The skin, however, might need:

  • Staples
  • Stitches
  • Glue 

Just like any other surgery, C-sections leave a characteristic mark. In some cases, the body's healing mechanisms can cause abnormal scarring. The most common scarring issues are:

  • Hypertrophic scars - when the skin gets thicker than it would on a regular scar but stays within the incision line.
  • Keloid scars - when the scar tissue overgrows beyond the incision boundaries.

Some women love wearing their Caesarean scars like a badge of honour. However, if the idea of having a permanent mark bothers you, you can always use some products to help your skin during the healing and cicatrisation process.

How to Deal With a Caesarean Section Scar

The Caesarean section healing process tends to happen without complications if the new mom keeps the wound clean, airs it out, and follows the doctor's instructions. Holding off on strenuous exercise that involves lifting, bending, and twisting is vital to reduce the risk of the incision splitting open. However, new moms still need to stay somewhat active to promote healthy blood circulation in the area. 

C-section wounds can take up to three months to fully heal. Although not entirely, the mark should fade on its own after a while. Yet, most new moms have some aces up their sleeves to help the skin look better over time. Some might use ointments and creams, while other resort to laser treatment. However, silicone gel scar gel is an all-time maternity favourite.

Keep Your Scar Under Control

Silicone scar gel is worth all the hype. This C-section healing staple helps retain moisture in the skins and prevent scarring abnormalities. It also helps flatten and soften the skin, and some say it even reduce the appearance of the much-dreaded stretch marks. If you are undergoing a C-section, visit Belly Bands and gear yourself up with some  today! 



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